
July Month Activities


Nursery Day

Doctor’s day was celebrated by the students of Nursery on 1st July. The pre-primary children of R.V. Public School  participated in the assembly. UKG children spoke about the importance of doctors.  Children along with their teachers visited the South City Hospital and gave Thank You cards to the doctors. A PPT about the importance of first aid box and need to go to the doctor at the right time was shown to the children. Pre- primary students performed a role play of doctor and patient in the classroom. Firstly, the teachers played the roles of a doctor and a patient and the students followed their teachers and enacted the same. The students were made to listen to their heart beat. Children of LKG and UKG made thank you cards for the doctors and expressed their gratitude.



Art and craft gala was conducted on the 2nd and 4th July 2022, where students from classes I to X participated with great enthusiasm and showcased their creativity.  Students of class I participated individually while the students of classes II to X participated in groups.

The events in which the children participated various events as follows:

Students of class I II and III  coloured the national flag, mangoes and Lotus respectively.  Students of class 4 made a picture collage of a tiger using colour papers. Students of class V made a Peacock using thumb painting. While the students of class made paper flowers, students of classes VII and VIII drew and painted the history of the Indian Flag. The students of classes IX and X with the help of their drawing and painting brought the Dandi March right in front of our eyes.


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