December month Activities
Workshop for Children.
A one day work shop for students of RV Public School was conducted on 7thDecember 2022, Wednesday at Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore by DynamVocational Skill Training Centre with the help of Rotary Club West Bangalore. A group 29 Students selected from different sections of 4th and 5thstandards participated in the workshop. Four teachers, Ms Nagashruthi, Ms Chandrabati, Ms Kamala Prasad and Ms Rinju accompanied and helped the students.
The workshop started around 10:30 in the morning. The workshop was based on the concept Creative learning through activities. The trainers and instructors from Dynam Vocational Skill Training Centre demonstrated some activities using available materials like paper, balloons and straw. They explained science and Mathematics concepts like Centre of gravity through some activities. The students enjoyed the workshop and actively participated in all activities. As it was a one day programme, coffee and lunch were provided. At 4.00 pm the programme was wound up. Ms Chandrabati, on behalf of RVPS proposed a Vote of Thanks.
After winding up the workshop, they were given a chance to watch the show called Celestial Fireworks at the Sky Theatre. The students really enjoyed the show.

Red day was celebrated by the students of the Pre-primary wing on 9th December 2022. The colour of the month is red. Red colour also symbolizes Santa Clause and the festival of Christmas. The shades of red made the students feel bright, lively and cheerful. The children were told about the birth of Lord Jesus and the legend of Santa Clause. The essence of Christmas came alive when Santa clause shared sweets with the students.
Children brought toys related to red color and spoke about the toy. UKG children coloured an outline of Santa clause and stuck cotton balls on the beard and hands. The students of LKG made a collage of a Christmas tree . The students of the Pre-nursery made Santa Claus by sticking nose made of crape paper ball and googly eyes.

The students of Class 10 visited The New Ark Mission of India (Home of Hope) situated near Doddagubbi village on 10th December 2022 as a part of their SUPW project for the academic year 2022-23. It was a place founded by an inspiring personality called Auto Raja.
The poor and destitute from the streets are brought here and taken care till their last breath. As a part of visit to The Home of Hope, the students donated groceries, warm woolen clothes, bed covers, bed sheets and rugs.

An inter-school art and cultural fest , Kalasiri was organized on 5th November 2022 for the students of classes 5 to 10 to provide exquisite experiential learning with the spirit of competition.
RV Public School, enrolled the students in different category like quilling, declamation, best out of waste, Kannada dumb charades, Group song, Monologue delivery, dance and master of ceremony. Students from 6 schools participated and judges for the events were invited from other educational institutions who are proficient in their field for unbiased judgment.
The results of the competitions are as follows
Name of the Event | School which won the 1st Prize |
Dance special Prize | APS |
Group Song (patriotic) | Auden Educational Institution |
Dumb Charades | RV Public school |
Declamation | RV Public School |
Monologue Delivery | Auden Educational Institution |
Best Out of Waste | Outreach School |
Quilling | RV Public School |
Master of Ceremony | RV Public School |
The winners of our school were felicitated during the school assembly.